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7th Overall NBA Draft Picks

Here is a list of nba draft picks who were 7th overall draft picks in past NBA drafts. Some players taken in the past with the 7th pick are; Chris Mullin, Richard Hamilton, Luol Deng, and Randy Foye.

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7th Overall NBA Draft Picks
Year Player Drafted From Drafted By
2013 Ben McLemore Kansas Sacramento
2012 Harrison Barnes North Carolina Golden State
2011 Bismack Biyombo Spain Sacramento
2010 Greg Monroe Georgetown Detroit
2009 Stephen Curry Davidson Golden State
2008Eric GordonIndianaL.A. Clippers
2007Corey BrewerFloridaMinnesota
2006 Randy Foye Villanova Portland
2005Charlie VillanuevaConn So.Toronto
2004Luol DengDuke Fr.Chicago
2003Kirk HinrichKansas Sr.Chicago
2002Maybyner "Nene" HilarioBrazil 1982New York
2001Eddie GriffinSeton Hall Fr.New Jersey
2000Chris MihmTexas Jr.Chicago
1999Richard HamiltonConnecticutt Jr.Washington
1998Jason Williams Florida Sacramento
1997Tim ThomasVillanovaNew Jersey
1996Lorenzen Wright MemphisLA Clippers
1995Damon Stoudamire Arizona Toronto
1994Lamond Murray California LA Clippers
1993Bobby Hurley Duke Sacramento
1992Walt Williams Maryland Sacramento
1991Luc Longley New Mexico Minnesota
1990Lionel Simmons La Salle Sacramento
1989George McCloudFlorida StateIndiana
1988Tim PerryTemplePhoenix
1987Kevin JohnsonCaliforniaCleveland
1986Roy TarpleyMichiganDallas
1985Chris MullinSt. John'sGolden State
1984Alvin RobertsonArkansasSan Antonio
1983Thurl BaileyNorth Carolina StateUtah
1982Quintin DaileySan FranciscoChicago
1981Steve JohnsonOregon StateKansas City
1980Mike GminskiDukeNew Jersey